Psychic Mediumship Reading

💗 Your love acts as a bridge, drawing your loved ones near.

In a reading, your loved ones in spirit may show:

  • Their life memories

  • Personality traits

  • Career

  • Hobbies and favorite pasttimes

  • Items of theirs you have

  • Signs that they are with you

  • Significant moments spent with you

  • Family, friends and pets they are with in the spiritual realm

  • Knowledge and awareness of family in your life now

  • Evidence that they are aware of your life now

And always, there is healing, supportive and loving message for you.

Your loved ones love you and want the best for you.

Ready To Explore Working Together?

Connect with your loved ones in the afterlife

Psychic Mediumship Reading

1 hour ~ $200
30 minutes ~ $110

Testimonials for
Mediumship Readings

My mediumship reading with Jeannette astounded me with its timeliness and specificity. I received from our time together a few of the great gifts of this work: confidence and motivation to go about my life in this world in an inspired and spiritual manner.

In retrospect, I believe the accuracy Jeannette provided could only arrive through a spirit worker with her unique make-up; someone who is versatile in their sensitivity to the other world, clinical in their ethics approach, yet so completely down-to-earth and kind. Thanks Jeannette- I will always treasure this reading. It means so much. 

~ Sean O'Connor ~ Fairfield, Iowa

Jeannette, I want to thank you again for today's reading. I have been reviewing, and reviewing this information all day long. The revelations from my daughter Anne were such a blessing to me- she was always so sensitive and loving. You have given me a gift from the heart– a priceless treasure. Bless you and much love. 

~ J.J. ~ Portland, OR

I had two readings from Jeannette to connect with my mother who passed. She connected with my mom so strongly. It lifted my spirit knowing my mom is helping me. It was magical and wonderful.

 ~ Jill Dougherty

As I write all of this, many tears still stream from my eyes.

On the evening right after the session I spent a couple of hours crying. What touched me deeply was the fact that I could feel that the soul of my mother (and her father’s as well) really cared for me and for my future here. It was deeply healing to know they cared.

Of course, a part of me wondered it this could really be true, and maybe it was because Jeannette wanted to help me and could empathize with my wound.

Then I remembered why I trusted Jeannette so much from the beginning: her INTEGRITY. I am so confident on her integrity. I know that if she simply wanted to help me heal, she would explain what she was doing as being that. But in this transmission, she showed me very clearly that she was truly being a go between, conveying messages from the other side.

With this internal reassurance, I was able to receive all of this in ways that were truly healing and transformative. I know what has happened in this session is truly real for me. It has transformed how I feel and how I move forward with my life!

I highly recommend Jeannette Hill's work, both the Mediumship and the Coaching.

And for those who need a combination of those like I did, she is a most precious go to person!   

~Ruth Toledo Altschuler,
Flower Essence Mentor & Practitioner, Vancouver, Washington

I can't thank you enough Jeannette. I woke up today feeling super excited and motivated for what has yet to unfold as I felt so much love and support from my Dad and Spirit Guides. Thank you for doing the work that you do to connect people. It's an honorable and special quality that you hold and I admire your ability to share it with others.

 ~ Cynthia Balgatas, Bay Area, CA

My reading with Jeannette was the most awesome, sacred experience of my life.  Jeannette gathered evidence from Terry that proved it beyond a doubt. Through her gentle, natural way, I came to tears of joy and amazement, realizing I really was communicating with my dearest love who died six years ago.

I thought I’d never hear from her again. This mediumship was a sacred communion that left me grateful, ecstatic, peaceful, and elevated, knowing my beloved is totally happy and free.

~Di Lemon

I deeply appreciate the communication that I received through you from my mother, who left this physical world 29 years ago. She left by the way of suicide.

At that time, I received neither counseling nor support from anyone. I simply concluded that she was in so much pain that she wanted to leave. Thanks to you, I was able to hear a new message direct from her.

She gave me a message of support and encouragement, and told me to be all that I am meant to be. I want to also thank you for the guidance that you gave me to open up communications on my own. I want to learn to speak to my mother, as grievance intuitive counseling is so important.

I really felt your inner patience, kindness, and willingness to respond to my question. Your ability to share your story as well, enabled me to understand my path in a new light. For a short time, I felt that I was not alone. I think that you are very talented, good at what you do, and truly felt like I was in the hands of a professional. 

~Connie H., El Cajon, CA

You are obviously meant (and made) to do this grief intuitive work, along with all of the other intuitive work that you do. You brought her energy through clear as a bell. The manner in which you described the images and guidance made them very salient and connected to my life.

You easily drew out further meaning, or clarified any images or messages that might not immediately be clear to me. You excel at bringing through the nuances and details of guidance. It is obvious that you have put much positive energy and intention into honing your gifts.

You have a very positive and encouraging way of dealing with guidance that involves needed changes. It’s like you are able to bring through the energy of possibility behind this guidance, not just the mere words of the guidance.

You also clearly express a deep sense of compassion and healing intent. I felt I could bring up difficult questions or issues that I had hesitated to deal with in other contexts (even other professional intuitives).

I believe your clear, compassionate energy make your sessions very powerful, because in the context of your compassion and healing energy your clients will be able to go to places internally that they sometimes might not otherwise easily bear to go. You are a truly gifted intuitive and advisor.

Our session was healing and of great comfort to me. I definitely felt a deep release of some of my previously unacknowledged grief during the 24 hours after our session. Those you share your practice with are lucky to receive your abundant light and awareness. 

~H. M., Lawyer Ontario, Canada