You are Loved and Watched Over by Spirit

You are guided by spirit

I never cease to be amazed by the love and concern our loved ones in Spirit have for us. I was so moved by the power of a mother's love for her daughter during a mediumship reading today.

This mother was able to impress upon me current challenges her daughter was going through as well as other important information she wanted to convey.

All of this was done through a third person, as I have never met the daughter or spoken to her.

When we touch into our hearts, we can feel the love of Spirit and the Divine presence in our lives. Our hearts tell us the truth. It's the love we feel for our family, friends, and our pets.Spirit wants us to extend this same love to ourselves.

Life can bring great challenges that cause our hearts pain, but these challenges can also open our hearts to others. Another's pain becomes our own, we see ourselves in another, and we wish for them as much peace and love as we do for ourselves.It is through your heart that Spirit will speak to you.

When you are wondering if the guidance you are receiving is real, check in with your heart.

Here’s a tip to connect to your spirit:

Think of a something you’re wanting guidance about. This could be a decision you need to make between two choices.

Notice if you feel a sense of peace or a pull in one direction. You may feel this in your body, such as your heart, your stomach or gut.

Now, do you feel expanded or an opening with this direction?

A higher guidance choice will give you an opportunity to add harmony, joy, clarity, or growth to your life.

As you follow your heart, your life unfolds like a beautiful flower, whose beauty and fragrance brings light to yourself as well as to others.

With time we can see this beauty as we take one step at a time.

Even in times of difficulty, Spirit is guiding us.

When one of my children was staying in the hospital for an extended period of time, I would walk the grounds of the hospital, repeating a prayer like a mantra.

My anxieties and worries would eventually be replaced by an inner calm and peace, which gave me the strength to continue on, though the future was very uncertain.

Even though we may be in the midst of challenge, the flower of our lives continues to unfold, gently encouraging us to keep our heart open and allow love to light the way.

And often, on the other side of our trying times, we feel compelled to help another, who may be going through something painful.

By touching another with our compassion, the flower multiplies, and we have a bouquet of flowers that we can share, knowing Spirit is by our side.


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