spirit messages

Looking at your life and your world symbolically can help you with Spirit communication. Spirit (guides, your intuition, soul, loved ones in the afterlife, the Divine) often gives us messages through symbols.

Symbols can have multiple meanings, which is why it can be so meaningful to receive Spirit messages in symbols rather than in words alone.

Once at a talk I was giving, a man asked if a robin who circled his feet a few times could be a sign from his loved one. Robins held significance for them both. Yes, I told him, trust that, for how many of us have ever had a robin circle our feet once, let alone a few times?

Here are 5 Common Ways to Receive Spirit Messages

1. Your heart, thoughts, and physical sensations

You may sense the presence of a loved one or have a feeling of a divine love with you. You may have goosebumps, a gut feeling or even hear your own thoughts as uplifting guidance. Sometimes you may even hear a song in your head or smell a fragrance that reminds you of a loved one.

Often when doing readings, I will feel goosebumps after relaying a message to a client as confirmation of what was said. Sometimes my client will feel them at the same time.

Once in the early days of my mediumship, I sat in meditation praying that I could help an older woman. My friend worked at a retirement home, and this older woman was there temporarily, yet her mood seemed down and my friend asked if I could give her a reading.

Before I arrived at the retirement home, I prayed that I could help her in some way.

I immediately felt an overwhelming loss that seized my heart, the kind that could only be a mother’s grief. Spirit had let me know she had lost a child.

When I met with the woman, we began to talk, and I asked if there was perhaps a loss in her life that could still be impacting her. She opened up that she had lost her son many years before.

Later in speaking with my friend, she was surprised, not knowing that this woman had suffered such a loss.

2. Repeating Numbers

As a numerologist, I look at the meaning of numbers and how they can show the gifts, talents and purpose of my clients.

Often people see numbers repeat like, 444, 11:11, 333 among others. I see 444 as a sign that my angels are with me, 11:11 as a spiritual number indicating intuition, divine guidance, and higher guidance. 333 indicates creativity, inspiration, joy, and upfliftment.

That ladybug you find in an unlikely place, the feather that appears suddenly, the eagle flying overhead, or the dog who reminds you so much of your beloved pet, trust that these are a sign from Spirit.

3. Animals and nature.

These type of symbols may show up in your dreams, on your walks, or even in your daily life.

I once had a hummingbird build a nest just outside the window of my third floor apartment, where I would sit at my drafting table and paint and draw. It was stunning to see this bird at rest, preparing for its babies. It happened to be at a time in my life when I was making the decision to go from art school to getting my master’s in transpersonal psychology, and embark on an unknown path toward the spiritual awakening I was undergoing.

This hummingbird’s patient showing up, day after day, reminded me to stay present, to embrace the unknown, and to follow my heart.

4. Music

Songs are another way Spirit can get our attention. I’m often given song lyrics in my client readings that are relevant to what they may be going through in their lives. A specific example of this is a man came to me for a reading to connect with his girlfriend who had passed. She gave me a phrase to tell him. He hadn’t a device of his girlfriend’s in the years since her passing, but after the reading he opened it and immediately saw that this phrase was in the song title that appeared on her device.

You may also hear a song play like I did many years ago on my car radio. Several times Stevie Nicks’ song Landside played when I was driving my car. The lyrics, “Well, I've been afraid of changin'/'Cause I've built my life around you/Oh, but time makes you bolder…” It was the year I was to graduate with my master’s degree, we were going to move towns and I had to choose whether I’d start an intuitive reading practice afterwards, knowing no one where we were headed. That song seemed to quell some of my fears every time I heard it on the radio.

5. Dreams

If you’re someone who can remember your dreams, consider writing them down the next morning. Dreams are a treasure chest of insight into you, your life, and even those close to you.

I’ve had my dreams give me clues to important decisions I had to make and provided validation for things I was feeling or intuiting in my waking life.

I’ve even had clients’ spirit loved ones show up in a dream the day before their reading.

Ever wondered if your loved on the other side has visited you in a dream? If they appear in your dream and you remember it, the answer is likely a yes.

My dad once appeared in my dream to let me know a baby was coming in September. I didn’t know at the time if that would be when I would be pregnant, because my husband and I were just discussing when to plan for a second child. But sure enough, within a short time of that dream, I was pregnant with my son.

It’s also common in my readings for my clients’ departed loved ones to let them know they have appeared in their dreams, validating for them it really was a visitation and not just an overactive imagination or hopeful wish.

There are so many endless ways Spirit can communicate with us and help us be more in touch with ourselves, live more joyfully and let us know we are being supported on our path.

The more you take the time to notice, get quiet and reflect on those synchronicities, coincidences, and signs that get your attention, the more you’ll notice just how much the Universe and Spirit is responding to your requests and your energy. Support and guidance is all around you, available simply by asking.


Your Loved Ones in the Afterlife Stay Connected 


Divine Guidance