Your gifts and your vision play an important role in helping others.

When you find yourself in doubt remember, you come from spirit, you are spirit and you will return to spirit.

The more we embrace this truth the more likely we are to remember to release self-judgment and any concerns we have about what others think of us.There are people waiting to benefit from your unique talents and skills.

If you feel uncertain or stressed, breathe out worry and overwhelm and breathe in peace. Continue to allow your breath to gently relax your body and let go of any stress.Repeat this until you begin to feel yourself become calmer and more relaxed.

Saying a positive word such as peace or joy as you breathe in and out can help to settle your mind and body.When we are more relaxed, it is easier to feel our spirit, that part of us that knows we are loved, supported and guided.

As you relax, begin to open to inspiration from within.Is there a question you are seeking guidance about? Invite the spiritual team that guides your life to come forward. Ask your guides, your soul or your own higher self for ideas and inspiration.

Ask for guidance and listen within for clear, calm messages in the form of words, feelings, physical sensations, or images.Know that you are fully capable of asking for and receiving higher guidance.

It may seem like your own inner voice, but you will notice that your higher guidance will be encouraging, positive, and helpful. It will focus on solutions and give wise advice.You may also continue to receive messages in the days to come.

Be open and observant, staying open to the various ways you may receive guidance. Let your imagination flow and your heart be open. Our guides and our soul may reach us through animals, nature, songs, books, movies, tv, our inner thoughts and feelings, license plates, dreams, daydreams, other people, and many other ways to remind us we are supported and encouraged.Connecting to spirit is an experience we feel.

Trust that you are being guided as you follow your path.The more we engage in practices that nurture love and compassion the more our spirit comes alive.

When we begin with cultivating that love within, we create a strong foundation that empowers and unites: one that births inspiration and solutions. As we begin to feel more whole within, we can feel the power of spirit that underlies all creation.


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Your Life Purpose and Your Dreams are Supported by Spirit