Lately I’ve been preparing for my upcoming Past Life Regression Therapy training in November by reading several books about the healing and therapeutic effects of past life and in between lives regression.By becoming more aware of ourselves as a soul and the many lifetimes we’ve lived, as well as the multidimensional level of the soul, people often heal emotionally, mentally, and at times physically.Reading these books has me reflecting on my own life and feeling the lingering self-doubts and fears that surface when I consider what lies ahead regarding my purpose and growing my practice.I know it points to a need for greater self-love and compassion for myself as I prepare to grow, change, and challenge myself.I had a reading myself a year-and-a-half ago that highlighted this theme carried over from other lifetimes and how I still have growth in loving and honoring myself more. I cried deeply after this session, feeling the truth of what was said to me in my body and soul. It was a huge release I wasn’t expecting, but could feel was needed.Loving the self is a theme I see in most of my clients as well. It’s something I suspect many of us on the planet are working through in our lives. The enlightened spiritual teachers say that love is the greatest joy and lesson we are to learn in our lives.How seemingly simple yet so profound given the early experiences of many of us not to mention the challenges we face in a culture that has long valued the material and the external over depth and authenticity.It is very vulnerable to open our hearts and feel what lies within. We may have had a lifetime(s) of practice learning to be strong in order to protect our wounded self.It takes courage to be ourselves, follow our heart’s longing and express this in our lives. We may have experienced judgment, criticism, abandonment, or other hurts in our desire to fully be ourselves.Being compassionate with ourselves heals this hurt and brings greater harmony and balance.I am encouraged by the teachings of many spiritual leaders and teachers who say that now is the time for humanity to embrace the feminine energy and the awareness of respect for nature, our inner selves, and a deeper connection to our intuition and our hearts.What is calling you at this time? What is prompting you to seek greater depth, meaning, or fulfillment in your life?Take the time to be alone, get quiet, and listen within. Allow your body and mind to relax with no time pressures, agendas, or to-do lists.Simply be in the moment and allow yourself to feel loved and know that you are guided and supported at all times.The power of the universe flows through you and within you. Take a break today and give yourself the time you need to go within and just be.


Self-Care and Building Your Dream


Be True to Yourself: If the Shoe Doesn't Fit, Don't Wear It