Jeannette Hill

Soul Intuitive

Akashic Records Readings

Soul Purpose

Develop your spiritual gifts and live your soul’s purpose.

  • Soul Purpose

  • Spiritual Gifts & Your Career

  • Spiritual Healing

  • Mediumship

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During the approximately 30-minute reading I wrote as
fast as I could, non-stop the whole time, and ended up with about 3-1/2 pages of information
all of which was specific to me and relevant to my question.

I had never met Jeannette either online or in person except to arrange our session. Most of the issues and events she identified were not things that I have shared online so I know for sure she could not have found information that way. Not only that, even the language she used
sometimes included phrasing I have had in my own, private thoughts.

A number of times I thought, “Wow! How on earth did she know about that!?”

~ Laura Ramnarace

Following your heart and connecting with Spirit is the path to discovering your spiritual gifts and purpose.

Connecting with the spiritual realm of guides, angels, and loved ones in spirit is possible.

Your higher self is the bridge to the spiritual guidance available to you.

Your Gifts are for a Purpose

Your heart may be awakening your desire to better understand your spiritual gifts and your soul’s purpose.

Your Sensitivity is Your Greatest Gift.

It can help you sense higher guidance, have a strong connection to the spiritual realm and make a difference with the gifts you came here to share.

Your heart feels everything and always has.

Understanding your sensitivity as a gift is key.

When you embrace your sensitivity, you begin to see it as the pathway to your journey as a healer and intuitive.

When you doubt yourself, it’s harder to feel the love and light within you.

Your heart is your bridge to Spirit. When you open your heart and connect to love, you ignite your inner spiritual light that heals and transforms your life.

Soul Purpose Coaching

Soul Gifts Mentorship

~Develop your Intuitive Gifts with Spirit

~Heal blocks with Spirit’s help

~Connect with your Spirit Guides

~Transform your life with direct Spiritual Guidance and Healing

Akashic Records Reading

~Soul's Purpose
~Spiritual Guidance

Soul Purpose Reading

~Soul Purpose
~Soul's Gifts
~Life Direction
~Spiritual Path

Spiritual Reading + Healing

~Spiritual guidance from the higher realms.

~Healing and upliftment
~Guidance about purpose, career, relationships, spiritual path, and more


Biba Logan is an artist, transformational guide and Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioner in Ireland.

  • I JUST WANTED TO THANK YOU FOR YOUR READING YESTERDAY. IT WAS SO GOOD! The last time I saw Parker she was excited to show me that she had lost a tooth... in the exact area that you referenced to. I want you to know that everything you said was significant to us and you described our life with Parker beautifully. You spoke of things that you could not have possibly known.

    Shelli Blair

  • In the entirety of the session she gave me great insight into the potential journeys I have in this lifetime based on my gifts. SINCE OUR INITIAL MEETING IT REALLY HAS HAD A PROFOUND IMPACT ON MY LIFE over these last couple of weeks, and I am again so grateful to have met you.

    Ashley H., Portland, Oregon

  • JEANNETTE'S ABILITY TO READ THE AKASHIC RECORDS EXCEEDS ANYTHING I HAVE EXPERIENCED IN MY 20+ YEARS OF WORKING WITH THE "RECORDS." This is the most thorough reading I have ever experienced with the Akashic Records. I highly recommend working with this gifted medium."

    Carolyn Muir

Does this resonate with you?

• You're seeking clarity about your purpose and how you may help others with your gifts.

• You want to stop doubting and questioning yourself so that you can help others with the dream inside of you.

• You may be feeling that there is something more for you to do and noticing feeling stuck, bored or curious about expanding your gifts.

• Perhaps you wonder if signs or messages you are getting are real and that you are being guided to awaken your spiritual gifts.

• You want to feel more joy and peace, doing what you love in your work and life.

• You know we are human beings who have a soul, a spirit and a deeper purpose than what can be felt with our 5 senses alone.

And you sense that spiritual connection and guidance can help you.

• You may already be a holistic practitioner, healer, coach, intuitive, or spiritual seeker and are either looking to start a spiritual business, or sense the unfoldment of a new direction in your work.

• You may be ready to develop your intuition even further so that you can use these natural abilities in your work as a healer, coach or in a spiritual business.

Spiritual connection empowers you to trust your higher guidance and live your soul’s purpose.

Ready to Get Started?

Meet Jeannette

As an Intuitive Guide and Soul Gifts Mentor, I connect to Spirit for guidance about your soul’s gifts, career, relationships, and life changes.

I teach you about your soul's gifts, how to communicate with Spirit and how to heal the blocks to you becoming more visible with your spiritual gifts or career.

I can be reached at 760-840-1664. I am based in Portland, Oregon and the readings and coaching sessions are done on Zoom.

The sessions are as impactful online as they are in person, having worked with many clients in various locations for over 20 years as an Intuitive and Spiritual Coach.